by Becca Warfel
The Hunger Games are coming! Are you ready? Students and teachers from Neoga High School brought the Hunger Games to the ISLMA conference in Springfield this year. The Illinois School Library Media Association (ISLMA) held their annual conference on October 27th through the 29th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The conference showcased exhibits from book vendors as well as many presentations from librarians and teachers. Neoga teachers Mrs. Ludwig and Mrs. Wright traveled with students Stella Moderau, Alex Harvey, and Becca Warfel to give a presentation on last year’s Hunger Games competitions with the junior high students. Together the group gave their talk on what was done at the event and how the other teachers and librarians could replicate it at their own schools. “I thought it went really well,” said Mrs. Ludwig about the presentation. “Our session was well attended and several people at the conference complimented us on having students at the presentation.”
In addition to attending the conference, the group also made a trip to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. There they viewed the Ghosts of the Library and Lincoln’s Eyes presentations as well as artifacts from Lincoln’s life and presidency.