by Paige Osborn
The month of December was a very eventful one for students at Neoga High School. It was Homecoming week once again and just as busy as ever. Students participated in events and different dress themes every day that week. Dress themes were class color day, holiday day, crazy day, clique day, and then school spirit or red and white day. Almost the entire school participated in these dress themes every day of the week with most classes having around 80%-90% participation every day. Along with dress participation points classes got points for winning the daily game. The games for this week were boardwalk, trivia, obstacle course, tug of war and the Xbox favorite, Just Dance 3. Every day freshman would compete against juniors and then sophomores against seniors. The winners of each would play each other, but it didn’t stop there. As a vital part of homecoming tradition, the winner had to go head-to-head against the teachers.
Other activities going on throughout the week included poster competition and locker decoration. Points were awarded to the class with the best poster and also for the classes whose students won the locker decoration contest. Overall, the seniors came out on top with the most points. The sophomores came in second, followed by juniors, then freshman. Junior Megan Schabbing commented, “Homecoming week is always so much fun, and it’s so interesting to see students dressing up in ways we never could outside of Homecoming week.” Overall, Homecoming week is one of the most memorable for all students here at Neoga. This year’s homecoming week was full of fun and excitement for teachers and students alike.