By Jessie Taylor
On Tuesday February 21, 2012, Neoga Sr. High's FFA week commenced. The purpose of FFA week is to inform the community about the great importance of agriculture and how dedicated these FFA members are in the act of helping our community. During this particular week, each day means something different. On Tuesday, the members of the FFA wore their new club t-shirts. Wednesday was green-hand day, meaning that every new member would have to dye their hands green for the day. Thursday was official dress day; black pants, black shoes, white blouse/shirt, a tie, and the most important accessory your FFA jacket. Friday was the barbeque. Bob Peadro, from the new Windsor Grocery Store supported FFA week by giving the club a great deal on the meat and buns supplied at the barbeque. Also, Tony Bell and her sister Patty assisted in the cooking for the barbeque. The participants during this week include the FFA members that have paid their dues in the beginning of the year. Mrs. Perkins, the new Ag teacher at Neoga Sr. High, plays a substantial role in planning FFA week for her club members. Additionally, the team from the 95.7 radio station assists the officers in advertising FFA week. The Neoga FFA members also, took a trip to Louisville, Kentucky to see the Farm Machinery Show. There are multiple exhibitors that set up different booths to display the modern technology in agriculture. On this trip, there were twenty-three FFA members, four chaperones, and Neoga's FFA advisor Mrs. Perkins. FFA member Jesika Warner reflected, "It is great to see all the new advancements in agriculture and to know that so many people support our local FFA chapter. As a whole, our FFA chapter would like to help our community know more about what is going on and we thank all of you for supporting us."
Caption: FFA members dye their hands for “Green Hand Day.”
Front L-R: Dalton Gebhardt, Shay Ashworth, Amber Potter, Trenton Sheehan
Back L-R: Katie Bell, Shelby Hoene, Sarah Brown, Brandi Herring, Preston Potter, Krystal Steele