Thursday, September 15, 2011

Black and White (an original poem)

By: Lauren Becker


When I was a child

I saw in black and white

everything was obvious

either right or wrong

no arguments, no pros and cons

choices were precise

pure and joyous clarity

gave me a simple life

so I grew and learned to face the world

living life that way

and now I feel so unprepared

cause black and white turned to gray

my unfaltering vision failed

focus left my eyes

where choices were once obvious

I can’t tell right from wrong

Because today I am a teenager

And nothing’s quite so clear

I’m seeing through an adult’s eyes

A child’s biggest fear.

New NHS Staff

By: Kendra Schooley


There have been many changes this year at Neoga High School -- not just in the handbook, or with the school -- but with the faculty as well. This year Neoga High has acquired four new faculty members.

Mr. Nick Schulze is the new band teacher. Mr. Schulze grew up in a small town. He enjoys working in a small school because there are few enough kids that you get to know everyone, including the students who are not in band. Mr. Schulze plans on continuing the legacy Mr. Doug McClure. He also plans on taking students to IMEA.

Mr. Clay Haurberg was hired as the Boys Physical Education teacher, as well as the coach of the Boys Basketball team. He previously worked at Georgetowne Middle School and Galva High School. Mr. Hauerberg is bringing over 15 years of teaching experience to the Neoga school district, which is certainly beneficial. When asked about his thoughts regarding Neoga, he said, “I love it! It’s been a very good first week. My family and I look forward to being part of this wonderful community.”

Ms. Marlene Walker was hired as the Agriculture Department teacher. Ms. Walker grew up in Windsor, Illinois. She loves teaching in a small town. “Everyone is treating me very politely,” replied Ms. Walker when she was asked how everyone is adjusting to a new teacher. When she was in high school, she was a member of FFA. She grew up living on a farm, and still lives on one. Ms. Walker is looking forward to taking the FFA students on many field trips and helping the agriculture department students learn about the agriculture community.

Mr. Jay Koester is the new Industrial Arts teacher. Mr. Koester also grew up in a small town, and he enjoys working in a rural area. When asked about his students, he replied, “Kids are good, well behaved, and very enjoyable so far.” His goals for Neoga are to make Neoga’s technology program one of the better ones in Illinois Technology Education.

Monday, September 12, 2011

NHS Yearbook Release Party


The annual NHS Yearbook Release Party will be held on Monday, September 19th, from 6 to 8 PM in the cafeteria. There will be an Ice Cream Social sponsored by Student Council, as well. As a change of pace, the Student Council decided to host this party during the NHS open house in order to encourage more students to attend.

Girls Volleyball 2011

by Lauren Becker


In a recent interview with Coach Amy Hatton, she was asked about the goals and aspirations for the 2011 volleyball season. She responded, “The team has hopes to be in the top 2 or 3 of the National Trail Conference and they want to win at least one Regional.” The current record for the girls is 3-4. They have already played Saint Anthony, the top team in the NTC, and are happy to have that challenge out of the way early. The team captains are Amanda Baker, Kasey French, Hannah Fritcher, and Lexi Romack, and they have their own opinion on how they are doing. In a joint response, they stated, “Communication is a key factor to the team. Every player on the varsity team has a role whether it’s passing, blocking, hitting, or serving. We have to work together as a team to be successful and reach our season goals.”